Testimonies From My Life & Others
Note: I am still building and adding more detail & testimonies.
• Since 2003, I have had the privilege of helping many in their 2-way conversational prayer with God and receive answers for themselves.
• God’s answers are transforming. They bring peace, rest, confidence, and greater intimacy.
Revelation Fireworks: God Gives Me A Much Needed Life and Ministry Reorientation
April 12, 2003: God got my attention with a powerful revelation that brought great freedom and joy. My conversation with God transformed me after 17 years of ministry and birthed a new focus ministry. I will share more on this soon. He gave me a joyful zeal for ministry!
God Brings A Level of Peace To My Marriage & Family I Didn’t Know Was Possible.
My wonderful family was transformed when we started working to hear from God about everything and call each other on not being peaceful. It was like my saved family was saved all over again. A peaceful home is incredible.
God assures me He would take care of a ~$100,000 error.
God assures me He would take care of a ~$100,000 error I had made at work by missing a critical paperwork filing deadline with the Federal Government. It was a hopeless situation as it was an absolute deadline. I had several hours of talking with Him on this one. He went from a place of high anxiety-panic to peaceful assurance, which was incredible to experience. Great and perfect is our peace when He teaches us and keeps our minds focused on Him. He gave me His understanding that passed mine and peace that guarded my heart and mind. My situation reminded me of Paul being told by the Angel on the ship in the terrible storm that everyone would be okay even though the ship would be lost. He had peace IN the storm. About six months later, the error was corrected as He said it would be! And I had peace through it all.
The powerful testimony of a seven-year-old girl seeing demons and threatening to be committed for violent behavior - until she had a talk with Jesus.
I learned that the young girl had been sent to professional counselors who instructed her to draw pictures of the demons she saw and transfer her hatred onto those images. It wasn't working. I assisted her in praying and receiving God's answers to the wounds from the severe abuse she had endured. As she received these answers, she underwent a profound transformation. She went from being a disheveled, suffering, agitated child to a serene, radiant one, with a beautiful smile that left the Guardian as Litem who came with her in awe. At the end of our meeting, the Guardian ad Litem hugged me and admitted she had initially been unsure about me. However, she found the transformation incredible.
A few years later, the Guardian Ad Litem got word back to me that the change after our meeting had been immediate and enduring. The young girl no longer attempted to harm others, make threats of violence, or engage in destructive behaviors like trying to set fire to houses. Instead, she had become a peaceful child who never encountered another demon. The Guardian ad Litem said that when the girl becomes upset, she runs to her room and talks with Jesus.
God prompts a simple prayer to avert a trajedy
My wife, I, and our children's families stayed at a ski lodge in northern Minnesota for a few days of vacation. As we were getting ready for bed, I heard God ask me to ask Him for the safety of my family. I did as He asked and expressed my gratitude to Him. The following day, we discovered my 3-year-old grandson still in his bed with the electrical outlet cover removed by the side of his bed and a wet open electrical outlet. He shared an account of what he had done. He had unknowingly exposed himself to great danger. He was very articulate for his age and very animated. He recounted how he had removed the electrical outlet cover, poured water from the water bottle he opened into the exposed outlet, and then placed his wet hands into it. He acted out feeling a clap, clap, clap in his body, and the sound of elephants. He said he heard Jesus speak to him while it happened. He not only retold what Jesus spoke to him, but he also mimicked the way Jesus spoke to him and His voice. He imitated Jesus' gentle voice and calm words in his experience of Jesus. I witnessed my young grandson's faith and ability to convey his experience and the presence of Jesus in a very tangible way. This experience brought me much peace. I realized the importance of nurturing children's spiritual connections and listening to their unique experiences. All because God prompted me to set Him up to protect my family from what otherwise could have been a tragedy.
A 13-year-old boy with spiraling behavior problems is powerfully transformed after asking God why.
More to come.
God has a surprise for a atheist teenage girl.
An atheist teenage girl gets a surprise after she tells me there is no God, but is then confronted with 1) God talking to her and then 2) talking to her about her life hurts and tormenting unanswered life questions. Talking to a God who doesn't exist messed up her atheism.
God restores a young couple on the verge of divorce.
I have helped many couples on the verge of divorce and witnessed couples who could not stand each other crying and holding each other when God speaks to them about the hurts and wounds they are carrying. I met with a young couple on the verge of divorce. The wife was not a believer. She knew little, if anything, about God. She sat with me and her husband with arms folded, irritated, and not too kind. She let me know she did not want come. I asked her if she was willing to allow God to speak to her about the hurts she had with her marriage. She blurted out she has x*?!# headache. I asked God to show her what to do about her headache. She got quiet for a few seconds and said what God told her, "You are stressed, but as you sit here, I will take away the headache." She sat there momentarily, then said in astonishment, "My headache is gone!" She now sits quietly in the reality of what she just experienced. Her heart now opened to hear more than what she wanted to when she initially walked in.
An atheist man is born again after God starts answering His questions about why his life was messed up.
The astonished look on His face was priceless.
A man in jail and on his 4th DUI hears from God for himself about the root of his destructive alcoholic behaviors and is transformed
He received God's direction, and it transformed him into a loving Father and an involved, faithful church member who never had any more desire or issue with substance abuse. After I left meeting him, God followed Him back to his cell and continued talking to him in his bunk. God told him, "Now let's deal with your smoking." God did, and he did - no more smoking. His son then came for help after seeing the change in his dad!
My 34 years of standing on my healing for migraines ended the day I finally asked God a question He had been waiting and ready to answer for last 34 years.
Click here for more.
God brought me a miracle after telling me, "You don't require a doctor; you need a miracle."
I was talking about seemingly escalating unhealthy symptoms I was experiencing. God used this as a lesson, encouraging me to continue peacefully walking on water even when it is stormy and witness the miracle. More to come.
God unlocks my car door. It's a fun story now. He makes inanimate objects that have no will open.
It's a fun story now. God makes inanimate objects that have no will open.
God speaks truth to a young wife and mother driven to adultery and online gambling.
She hated what she was doing but couldn't break free until she heard what God had to say. She had buried events of abuse, but God helped her root it out in one conversation. Whom the son sets free is free indeed.
A woman receives truth direct from God and is delivered from meth addiction and the pressure to make bad life choices.
God gave her truth for hew very messed up upbringing.
My wife's sudden heart attack symptoms in the middle of the night. God came through and straightened out my religious habit in the process. God never sleeps nor slumbers and comes through as an ever-present Help in times of trouble. More to come.
A husband's asking God about his anxiety about his wife's health symptoms.
God tangibly shows up and produces powerful results. He learns a powerful lesson about prayer and sees the fruit of it in his wife's healing. More to come.
A young mother talks to God about her daughter's meningitis symptoms and her younger son's sudden leg paralysis.
God helped her deal with her fear and gave her what to say. She spoke what God had to say, and miraculous results to the glory of God. It built her faith immensely! More to come.
A big greasy hamburger
More to come.
A suicidal man hears the truth. God teaches me how to recognize the lies that torment a person.
More to come.
God shows a woman the root of her homosexuality she is questioning.
More to come.
A young Christian woman receives forgiveness for an abortion.
The guilt of her past was tormenting her. It was a strain on her marriage and children.
A woman who has not left her house in years talks to God, and He free.
She came to see me the first time, not looking up and face covered in a hoodie. She left her face fully exposed with a beautiful smile. What God told her was that powerful. Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!
A woman came upset that her family and church family did not appreciate her and ignored her.
She struggled at first to hear God. I helped reorient her to hear, and in her talking to God, she heard Him say, "You don't need to complain just to have something to talk about." She started giggling, her face lit up, and a beautiful smile appeared. She realized she didn't need to complain to be noticed. She has Jesus 24/7 full attention. I saw her later that day, and she still glowed with a big smile. She gave me the biggest hug. I see her several times a year in my ministry travels, and she still has that radiant face and beautiful smile.
God gives a mother a hope like an anchor for her anxiety she felt with a wayward daughter.
In sharing with God her anxiety, God spoke to her, "scarlet rope," She didn't know what that meant. I knew immediately. It represented the scarlet rope that Rahab, a prostitute, let down in Joshua 2:15 that saved her from the coming destruction of Jericho. When the woman heard it what it meant, her face let up like a lit up. God gave her a word that her daughter would be okay, just like Rahab, who lived a rough life then. And her daughter did come okay.
My three-year-old son's testimony of God helping Him with a bully relative.
God speaks to 3-year-olds. I have helped many young children hear from God for themselves. It brought him great peace. and miraculously ended the bullying behavior. More to come.
God helps a mom stop the bad behavior of a two-year-old.
A cute story. More to come.
God helps an engaged Christian couple get rid of the pressure to keep their hands to themself.
Freedom is doing all the wrong you want and not wanting to. More to come.
The man who broke out of a suicide hold to find me and get answers for his torment.
I had seen him a few days earlier on the way to work and could tell he was hurting. I asked to pray for him, and he let me do so. He received answers as God spoke to him and helped him uproot the tormenting lie that drove him to want to kill himself—a powerful testimony. MOre to come.
My daughter's healing from the threat of sepsis.
My daughter's healing from the threat of sepsis. It was a powerful testimony to the doctors caring for her.
My son's healing from a sore throat.
God showed him that he was not receiving healing. When he did what God directed, he felt healing flow from his head and down his body.
God told my teenage daughter, driving at night, to stop her car on the highway and pray in the spirit.
She had her music playing loud and was not in a good mood. But she obeyed God. As she sat on the highway in her car, over the hill appeared a car in her lane driving and heading straight for her. When he got close, he suddenly swerved around her and skidded in a 180 to now be facing the same direction as her behind her. He then sped off in the direction he had just come from.
God told my daughter, standing in a school hallway, to leave the building now.
The exit door was close to her. She quickly left, and as she did, a pop-bottle bomb went off in the trash can next to where she had been standing. It injured a student walking by. Thank you Jesus!
God convinces my daughter His standard of perfect peace for pour lives is for real.
My daughter moved away to attend college. She was spending the first night alone in her rented house. In the middle of the night, there were a lot of noises and noises going on outside. In talking to God about the great anxiety she felt, she realized that talking to God about anxieties and receiving His truth to perfect peace is for real. His words here take her from great fear to perfect peace.
Andy Spurlin Ministries
P. O. Box 129 Park Rapids, MN 56470
© 2023 Andy Spurlin Ministries, Inc.